Call for papers
Submission is now open:
Under the following link you can create an account at Conftool and upload your submissions for the ETC16 from now on.
Types of contributions
The conference will be in English. The conference invites three types of submissions, namely papers, posters, and design posters. Papers and posters must deal with one or more of the subthemes of the conference, but one subtheme must be identified when submitting (ST1, ST2 or ST3).
- Papers: Paper proposals will consist of a full paper and a maximum of 8-pages (please use the CERME template from ). They may report on research results, research in progress, theoretical developments, and/or are discussion papers.
- Posters: Poster proposals will consist of 2 pages. They may report on research results, research in progress, or theoretical developments (please use the CERME template from ).
- Design posters: Design posters will present design principles and show examples of learning materials. A design poster proposal may be submitted in the form of a brief abstract (max. 500 words) outlining the mathematical topic, language context and design principles that will be presented.
Themes of ETC 16
The major theme of the ETC ‘Language and social interaction in heterogeneous mathematics classrooms’ will be organised into the following overlapping subthemes (ST):
ST1: Teaching and learning mathematics with a focus on social interaction and discourse
ST2: Various languages and language varieties as resources for teaching and learning mathematics
ST3: Professional Development and Initial Teacher Education with a focus on language or social interaction in heterogeneous classrooms
In all three subthemes, both theoretical and empirical research is welcomed, as well as research with diverse theoretical backgrounds and analytic frameworks.
Each submission will be peer-reviewed by two people from among those who submit proposals. The IPC will make the final decision about acceptance according to: a) the originality and quality of the work, b) the potential to contribute to the conference topic, and c) the fit to a subtheme.
Author guidelines
A person can only be first author for one submission, except for design posters. In fact, we strongly encourage the submission of a design poster together with a paper/regular poster.
The submission of contributions will be via an online system and further information will be provided in the second announcement. The file must be named as ETC_FIRST AUTHOR_PRIMARY SUBTHEME, e.g. ETC_Ingram_ST1.docx.
After the conference, accepted and presented papers will be collated in open-access-online proceedings using the HAL-Archive
Guidelines for Reviewers
Further information can be found on the following website:
Timeline for paper submission and registration