ETC 16
Language and social interaction in heterogeneous mathematics classrooms
Registration opens on 15th of May
Please register for ETC16 under the following link:
Dear Collegues,
It is with great pleasure and excitement that we can invite you to the ETC 16 hosted by the Martin Luther University. It will take place from the 20th to 22nd August, 2024. ETC 16 conference has dedicated acitivities and support for early career researchers (planning to) attending the conference. The ETC “Language and social interaction in heterogeneous mathematics classrooms” includes all research highlighting the role of language, as well as social interaction in learning and teachingmathematics. The research field spans from kindergarten to university mathematics, as well as research inclusive of initial teacher education and professional development (PD). Adopting the phrase“heterogeneous mathematics classrooms”, we utilize the ideas and research acknowledging various heterogeneity aspects in educational settings at hand and viewing heterogeneity as a resource for learning and teaching mathematics.
We look forward to welcoming you at ETC 16 in Halle (Saale).
Under the following link you can create an account at Conftool and upload your submissions for the ETC16 from now on.
Under the following link you will find the second announcement with important information.
(299,6 KB) vom 21.03.2024
News: The submission dealine has been extended to Friday 10th of May.

Timetable for paper submission and registration